Bringing balance into our lives

Published: Sep 1, 2023 by Lucy Tennyson

Now we are heading towards the autumn equinox on 21 September, nights are starting to draw in. It’s a time of change, as we move from the summer into autumn and we start to look ahead towards winter. We might start making plans for the year to come.

It can be an unsettling time, and this is reflected in the weather.  During the coming weeks, we’ll focus in particular on finding balance in our lives Not just in standing balances such as eagle and tree, but sitting and and doing alternate nostril breathing to balance the mind. Or in bringing muscular effort to bear as well as balance in postures such as boat. 

The sample sequence below is based around the clock face to show how we can do a balanced practice covering all areas of the body.  Another practice might include more standing postures, or flowing sequences such as sun salutations.


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Bringing balance into our lives
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Now we are heading towards the autumn equinox on 21 September, nights are starting to draw in. It’s a time of change, as we move from the summer into autumn and we start to look ahead towards winter. We might start making plans for the year to come.