
Termly timetable from 6th January 2025

Please get in touch using the contact form on this website for further information and to let me know you are interested in joining a class. As the classes are small, up to eight, most fill up quickly at the beginning of each term. Students are asked if possible to book for a half term block of between 6 and 7 weeks.

Cost:  A termly pass works out at £10 a class. If there is a space available drop in is £12.  Five online Zoom classes £35, or drop in £8. Contact me for online payment details, or to arrange payment by cheque/cash. 


10.45 - 11.50.  Morning yoga in the Sanctuary at St Ethelwolds, East St Helen Street, Abingdon (a more gentle session). On bank holidays, the class moves to Wednesdays.

5-6 pm. Move with a hatha flow, including some stronger postures: online Zoom. On bank holidays, the Monday zoom moves to Tuesdays.


5-6.10 pm. A slow flow, beginners welcome: the Sanctuary.

6.45 -7.50 pm.  A deeper session, including restorative poses. Ideal for after work, all levels: the Sanctuary.

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